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Card Adda

Giới thiệu game Card Adda

29 card game,Callbreak,হাজারী,CallBridge,Spades,Hearts,Chatai,9 Cards all in one

Card Game Collection Card Adda is a groundbreaking compilation that brings together an array of classic card games for an unparalleled gaming experience. Whether you’re a card player, this collection offers a diverse selection of offline card games, allowing you to enjoy the thrill of strategic gameplay anytime, anywhere.


♠ 16 card games in one game!

♠Best Game for time pass

♠ Take advantage of all our features for free

♠ Best BOT!

♠ Offline mode: Internet is not required. Play anytime, anywhere!

♠ Compatible with all phones and screen sizes. CPU and user gamers

♠ Fits gamers of all skill levels

♠ World’s greatest enjoyment per megabyte! An excellent choice to kill time

♠ Consistent Updates

♠ Top HD Graphics

♠ Smoothest and best UI/UX

29 Card Game:

29 Card Game is a trick-taking card game popular in South Asia. In most cases, Twenty-Nine is a four-player game with two partnerships. During play, partners face each other. The game uses only 32 cards from a conventional 52-card deck, with 8 cards from each suit. The order of the cards is as follows: J (high), 9, A, 10, K, Q, 8, 7 (low).

The following are the card values:

3 points for Jacks

2 points for nines

1 point for an ace

1 point for tens

K, Q, 8, 7, and 0 points

During gameplay, tricks are played, with the highest card of the lead suit or the highest trump winning. Special cards carry unique point values. The first player or team to score 28 points wins the round, and multiple rounds are played to determine the overall winner..

Callbreak :

Callbreak, a four-player trick-taking card game, involves bidding, trump suits, and strategic play. Played with a standard 52-card deck, the game follows a hierarchy with the Ace as the highest and the two as the lowest. Each player receives a set number of cards, followed by a bidding phase where players estimate the tricks they plan to win. The highest bidder selects the trump suit, influencing gameplay. Players must follow the lead suit, with the highest trump or lead suit card winning each trick. Points are scored based on the accuracy of the bid. The game unfolds over multiple rounds, with the player accumulating the most points emerging as the ultimate winner.

হাজারী :

Hazari, a game of skill and calculation, is brought to life in this collection. Compete against the AI to reach the winning score and experience the joy of mastering the art of Hazari.

Spades :

For fans of Spades, this collection offers a robust and engaging version of the game. Play with classic rules, form alliances, and outsmart your opponents with clever card play.

Hearts :

Delve into the world of Hearts, a game of skill and precision. Test your card-playing prowess against advanced AI opponents, creating memorable moments with every carefully chosen card.

CallBridge :

Enter the world of CallBridge, a game that combines elements of strategy and chance. Play against challenging AI opponents or enjoy friendly matches with friends, all without the need for an internet connection.

Chatai :

Discover the charm of Chatai, a unique card game that combines strategy and luck. With offline capabilities, you can enjoy this game wherever you are, whether it’s during a commute or a quiet evening at home.

9 Cards :

Dive into the fast-paced action of 9 Cards, a game that challenges your decision-making skills and strategic thinking. Customize your gameplay experience and enjoy the thrill of this dynamic card game.

325 Card Game:

The excitement of the 325 card game awaits you in this collection. With offline access, you can immerse yourself in this challenging game and test your card-playing abilities against the AI.

Bhabi Card Game:

Experience the unique dynamics of the Bhabi card game. Play against computer opponents or challenge your friends in local multiplayer mode, creating memorable gaming moments.

Hình ảnh game Card Adda

Card Adda
Card Adda
Card Adda

Hướng dẫn tải game Card Adda APK về máy Android

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Hướng dẫn cài đặt game Card Adda APK vào máy Android.

Đầu tiên bạn Click vào liên kết tải về APK phía dưới, bước tiếp theo chọn 1 trong 2 liên kết tải xuống có trong trang download. Click vào Server 1 hoặc server 2 và tiến hành tải file apk về máy Android của bạn.

How to download Card Adda APK on Android

First click on the Download APK link below the article, or the button on the article, when you switch to the download page you choose the first link or 1 of the 3 links displayed in the Card Adda download page, in addition you can download it directly. continued from Google play in the last link Original Server.

Guide to install Card Adda APK on Android device.

First, click on the APK download link below, the next step is to choose 1 of the 2 download links included in the download page. Click on Server 1 or server 2 and proceed to download the apk file to your Android device.