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Egyptian Ratscrew or ERS card game. Great dual app. War, card game for Android
Egyptian Ratscrew (card game), also known as Egyptian Ratslap, Egyptian Rat Race, Egyptian Ratkiller, Egyptian War, Middle Eastern Llama Dash or Middle Eastern Camel Dash, and ERS, European Spider Snake, is played with a standard 52-card deck.
It is a better version of WAR (card game), SlapJJack or Beggar-My-Neighbour.
The first player begins by placing a card face-up, always from the top of his/her deck, to start a central pile. The next player (the “challenged”) then has a number of chances to play another face card or Ace, as follows :
– four chances after an Ace,
– three after a King,
– two after a Queen,
– and one after a Jack.
The challenged player plays his/her cards, one at a time, until he/she either draws another face card onto the pile or exhausts all of his/her allowed chances.
If the challenged player is able to play a face card or Ace, the next player after him/her must beat it ; if the initial face card could not be beaten in its allotted number of cards, the challenger who placed it takes the pile.
In addition to the basic progression of play, the fastest player to slap the pile and subsequently claim it :
– Ten or 6and9 or 9and6,
– The Double (any two cards of equal rank),
– Sandwiches (a double with one card of a different value between the two),
– Hoagies (a double with 2 cards of different value between the two),
– Consecutive-number runs of at least three in ascending or descending order (e.g. 7, 6, 5; 10, Jack, Queen),
– Pairs that add up to 10 (e.g. 6 , 5 ; 9 , Ace)…
With this app, you can play dual mode with your friend.
Đầu tiên click vào Tải APK liên kết phía dưới bài, hoặc button trên bài viết, khi chuyển qua trang download bạn chọn liên kết đầu tiên hoặc 1 trong 3 liên kết hiển thị trong trang download Egyptian Ratscrew – Card game, ngoài ra bạn có thể tải trực tiếp từ Google play trong link Original Server cuối cùng.
Đầu tiên bạn Click vào liên kết tải về APK phía dưới, bước tiếp theo chọn 1 trong 2 liên kết tải xuống có trong trang download. Click vào Server 1 hoặc server 2 và tiến hành tải file apk về máy Android của bạn.
First click on the Download APK link below the article, or the button on the article, when you switch to the download page you choose the first link or 1 of the 3 links displayed in the Egyptian Ratscrew – Card game download page, in addition you can download it directly. continued from Google play in the last link Original Server.
First, click on the APK download link below, the next step is to choose 1 of the 2 download links included in the download page. Click on Server 1 or server 2 and proceed to download the apk file to your Android device.
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