Bura Burkozel
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Bura Burkozel
Game Bài M Giới thiệu game Bura Burkozel
Card game Bura and Burkozel
2-4 players online and offline
The rules for Bura are 31 and Burkozel. Soft animation
BURA, card game. Another name is thirty-one.
The writer V. Shalamov, who spent 20 years in the camps, calls borax the most widespread card game of the thieves’ world.
A deck of 36 is used.
Ace „T” is worth 11 points,
ten „10” – at 10,
king „K” – at 4,
queen „Q” – at 3,
jack „J” – 2 points.
The rest of the cards have no value.
3 or 4 cards are dealt to each player depending on the type of game. A trump card is revealed. You can move with one card, with two or three cards of the same suit. If the opponent beats the turn cards, he takes the bribe for himself. If he cannot beat, discards any cards (according to the number of cards in the turn). After each trick, players draw cards from the deck, one card after each other, up to three cards in their hands.
The game is played until it reaches 11(21) (rubber) winning hands.
The winner in the game is the one who first scores 31 points in tricks. A combination of three trump cards in hand is called a bura. The player with the borax wins the game, regardless of the number of points in tricks.
Whoever has more games won is awarded first place and so on in descending order. The latter loses.
The party is calculated for the entire deck.
Points are awarded based on the results of the game.
0 points, the one who took bribes has the most points
2 points for the one who took more than 31 points
4 points for the one who took more than 0 points, but less than 31
6 points for the one who did not take a single trick.
The game is played in several parties until one or more players score 12(8-6) or more points. A player with 12(8-6) or more points is considered a loser.
If the latter, loses.
Hình ảnh của game Bura Burkozel
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How to download game Bura Burkozel APK on Android
First click on the Download APK link below the article, or the button on the article, when you switch to the download page you choose the first link or 1 of the 3 links displayed in the Bura Burkozel download page, in addition you can download it directly. continued from Google play in the last link Original Server.
Guide to install game Bura Burkozel APK on Android device.
First, click on the APK download link below, the next step is to choose 1 of the 2 download links included in the download page. Click on Server 1 or server 2 and proceed to download the apk file to your Android device.