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King Online

Game Bài M Giới thiệu game King Online

Voice chat, fast, real players… Compete with the King masters…

King Online, played by millions since 2000, is now on your phone with the difference of Gamyun, and it’s FREE and AD-FREE!


You can play as many point games as you want without paying any fee.


If the excitement in games with points is not enough for you, we have games with credits. Moreover, free bonus credits that you can play dozens of games every day.


In the games we have prepared with years of experience, everything is where it should be, in the right dosage, neither more nor less. Our aim is for you to have fun, to experience the best King experience with our application.


It is difficult to both play games and text, now you can call your friends, chat while playing games…


You can meet new people, chat and make friends. You can play games with your friends. Lobby, table and private chats are at your disposal. You can easily write your messages using dictation without using the keyboard. With premium services, you can customize your membership and you can be different.


The properties or credits you get are valid in all our games, whether you play from your computer or mobile. You don’t have to buy separate properties and credits for each game.


You use nicknames in our games, even if you connect with Facebook, your name or photo will not be visible.


If you like our application, you will make us happy if you take a moment and write a positive comment. Thanks in advance… You can write your suggestions, requests and complaints to

What’s New in the Latest Version 1.20.0

Last updated on Jan 13, 2025

We carefully develop and update our games to ensure the best gaming experience on Gamyun.

In this version, we have added;

• In-game settings menu for easier access to various settings while playing games
• Displaying game invitations from your friends as pop-ups
• Showing the reasons why photos are rejected

In addition, we made many improvements, fixed some bugs.

We wish everyone good games, lots of fun and good health.

Hình ảnh của game King Online

King Online
King Online
King Online

Hướng dẫn tải game King Online APK về máy Android

Đầu tiên click vào Tải APK liên kết phía dưới bài, hoặc button trên bài viết, khi chuyển qua trang download bạn chọn liên kết đầu tiên hoặc 1 trong 3 liên kết hiển thị trong trang download King Online, ngoài ra bạn có thể tải trực tiếp từ Google play trong link Original Server cuối cùng.

Hướng dẫn cài đặt game King Online APK vào máy Android.

Đầu tiên bạn Click vào liên kết tải về APK phía dưới, bước tiếp theo chọn 1 trong 2 liên kết tải xuống có trong trang download. Click vào Server 1 hoặc server 2 và tiến hành tải file apk về máy Android của bạn.

How to download game King Online APK on Android

First click on the Download APK link below the article, or the button on the article, when you switch to the download page you choose the first link or 1 of the 3 links displayed in the King Online download page, in addition you can download it directly. continued from Google play in the last link Original Server.

Guide to install game King Online APK on Android device.

First, click on the APK download link below, the next step is to choose 1 of the 2 download links included in the download page. Click on Server 1 or server 2 and proceed to download the apk file to your Android device.

Tải về King Online APK

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